사이먼 몰리 | Simon Morley
사이먼 몰리의 작업은 단색조의 화면을 보여주며 텍스트를 주요 소재로 회화를 탐구한다. 작가는 문자와 이미지 간의 관계를 탐색하면서 관습적인 것들의 틈 혹은 ‘사이(in-between)’, 경계의 공간에서 사유한다. 그는 회화를 비롯한 시각예술과 책, 그리고 다른 담론, 역사적 출처들 간의 융합을 이끌어내려고 하며, 북페인팅을 비롯한 다양한 시도를 하고 있다. 오늘날 테크놀로지의 속도와 전자책을 비롯한 매끈한 디지털 감성이 지배적인 가운데, 자고 일어나면 새로운 것들이 생겨 있다. 이들에게 대체되고 자리를 내어준 오래된 것들, 고전이나 누아르 영화와 고서, 오래된 벽 광고, 곧 아날로그 문화에 대한 이야기가 작가의 화면 속에 있다. 특유의 조용하고 명상적으로 다가오는 개념적 예술 세계는 국제 무대에서 인정받으면서 많은 미술관들에 작품이 소장되고 컬렉터들에게 꾸준히 인기를 더하고 있다.
Simon Morley's work presents monochromatic surface and explores painting with text as the main subject matter. The artist contemplates the relationship between text and image, ruminating in the gap or 'betweenness' of conventional things, in the space of boundaries. He seeks to bring about a fusion between visual arts such as painting, books, and other discourses, historical sources, and attempts various endeavors including book painting. In the dominant atmosphere of today's rapidly changing technology and sleek digital sensibilities including e-books, new things emerge when you sleep and wake up. Amidst these, there are stories of analog culture, old things replaced and given way to them, classics or noir films and old books, old wall advertisements, soon, in the artist's picture plane. His unique, quiet, and meditative conceptual art world is gaining recognition on the international stage, with his works being collected in many art galleries and steadily gaining popularity among collectors.

Born 1958, in Eastbourne, UK.
Lives and works in South Korea and France.
2013 PhD, University of Southampton
1998 MA Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London
1980 BA Modern History, Mansfield College, Oxford University
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 ‘1948’ and Other Paintings, Gallery JJ, Seoul
‘Ex Libris’, Jesuitenbibliothek, Zurich, Switzerland
2020 ‘Ex Libris’, Bibliothek Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Germany
Sankt Peter, Cologne, Germany
2018 ‘Parallel’, Hanmi Gallery, Seoul
‘Our Utopia’, Youlhwadang Book Museum, Paju Book City, Korea
2017 ‘Invisible’, Courtauld Institute Library, London
2016 ‘Soyez realistes. Demandez l’impossible’, DomaineM, Cerilly, France
2015 ‘Korean Works, 2010-15’, Gallery JJ, Seoul
‘Kiss Me Deadly’, Gallery Baton, Seoul
2014 ‘Albert Camus: Oeuvres’, Galerie Scrawitch, Paris
‘Book-Painting,’ Lounge Project, Art Sonje Center, Seoul
‘Lost Horizon’, Art First, London
2012 ‘Monograph’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
2011 ‘Korea Land of the Dawn, and Other Paintings’, Art Link Gallery, Seoul
‘A Short History of the Twentieth Century’, Art First Gallery, London
‘Guest from the Future’ (with Maria Chevska), Galerie8, London
2010 ‘Six Halls’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
‘Moon is Homeland Bright’, Kyunghee Univ. Museum of Art, Seoul
‘Messagerie’, Musée des Beaux Arts, Dijon, France
2009 ‘Hitchcock’s Blondes’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
‘The Rose Annual, 1924’, Art First Project Space, London
‘Cine Italia’, Metis_NL, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Moon Palace’, Paik Hae Young Gallery, Seoul
‘Cine Italia’, Zonca & Zonca, Milan
2007 ‘A Short History of Dutch Painting, Part II’, Metis_NL, Amsterdam
‘Classic Japanese Movies’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
‘The English Series’, Art First, London
2005 ‘Bookpainting’, Fiera del Libro d’Arte, Palazzo del Re, Bologna
‘VIRUS’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
‘A Short History of Dutch Art’, Metis_NL, Amsterdam
‘Rossa’, Galleria Spazia, Bologna
‘Reading Room’ (with Maria Chevska), MOCA Peckham, London
2004 ‘A Short History of Modern Japanese Fiction’, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
Solo Presentation, MiArt, Milan (Percy Miller Gallery)
2003 ‘Post Card’, Percy Miller Gallery, London
‘The Life of Things’, 3 Degrees West Gallery, Grasmere, UK
(Artist-in-Residence exhibition)
‘The Unfortunate Tourist of Helvellyn and his Faithful Dog’,
3 Degrees West Gallery, Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, UK
2002 ‘Italian Holiday’, Zero arte contemporanea, Piacenza, Italy
Selected Group Exhibitions
2021 ‘Colours,’ Galleria Spazia, Bologna, Italy
2019 ‘1968’, Three-person show at Eagle Gallery, London
2017 ‘Wider than the Sky’, Artspace Boan 1943, Seoul
2016 ‘Bookish’, Thomas Park Gallery, Seoul
‘Writing on the Wall’, Art First, London
‘A L’Echelle des Mots’, Espace Larith, Chambery, France
2015 ‘Visible Air’, Kyunghee University Museum of Art, Seoul
2014 ‘Le Mont Analogue’, Galerie Julien Bezille, Paris
‘Moon’, Art First Gallery, London
‘Universal Studios, Seoul’, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul
‘Memoire de guerre,’ Musée Romain Rolland, Clamecy, France
2013 ‘Crossing Spaces’, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
‘Natural History’, Art First, London
‘Monocromi. Dalla Materia alla Superficie. La Poetica dell’oggetto.
Morley e Pinelli,’ Galleria Spazia, Bologna
Chang Eung-Bok’s Boutique Hotel, ‘Peach Blossom Dream’, SeMA, Seoul
Gwangju Design Biennial (collab. with Chang Eung-Bok), Gwangju, Korea
2012 Poznan Mediations Biennial, ‘The Unknown’, Poznan, Poland
REAL DMZ, Cheorwon Province, South Korea, curated by Samuso
2010 ‘Gyeonggi Creation Center Residency Program Exhibition’, Incheon Art
Platform, South Korea
2009 ‘Self-Taught’, Uri and Rami Museum, Ashdot Yaacov, Israel
‘ZOOM’, Looking Back/Looking Forward’, Art First, London
2008 Michael Petry’s ‘Golden Rain’, On the Edge exhibition, Savenger, Norway,
European Capital of Culture Exhibition
2006 ‘Les Mots pour le faire’, with Yves Chaudouet and Maria Chevska, Musée
Romain Rolland, Clamecy, France
2005 ‘A Picture of Britain’, Tate Britain, London
‘Ex Roma’, Abbey Award Winners Exhibition, APT Gallery, London
‘Lost and Found in Translation’, Newlyn Art Gallery, Newlyn, Cornwall
'Art is a Word', Benefit exhibition for the Museums of Israel, Christie’s, London
Public and Corporate Collections
Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (Ansan, South Korea), Musee des Beaux Arts (Dijon, France), Akxo Nobel (Holland), Cityside Development (London), Musée Romain Rolland (Clamecy, France), Tate Gallery Library (London), Victoria and Albert Museum Library (London), Wordsworth Trust (Grasmere, UK), Sotheby’s Institute of Art (London), Winchester School of Art Artists’ Book Collection (UK)
Awards, Residencies & Fellowships
2010 Artist in Residence, Gyeonggi Creation Center, South Korea
2008 Artist in Residence, Paik Hae Young Gallery, Seoul
2005 Artist in Residence, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Parc Saint Leger, Pougues-les-Eaux, Burgundy, France
2004 Abbey Fellow in Painting, The British School in Rome
2003/04 British Council Travel Award (Japan)
2002/03 Artist-in-Residence, The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, Cumbria, UK
2000 Elephant Trust Grant
1998 London Arts Board Grant
Gallery JJ Project 34
2021. 9. 29 (Wed) - 11. 6 (Sat)

Gallery JJ Project 15
2015. 10. 7 (Wed) - 11. 24 (Tue)